Assisted Stretching: Experience Elite Stretching Expertise at Stretch Chi

Dive into a unique stretching experience at Stretch Chi, located in the heart of Lincoln Park and Ravenswood, Chicago. Distinctly different from franchised studios, at Stretch Chi, you’re not just another client; you’re benefiting from a holistic, personalized approach to Ki-Hara Resistance Stretching. While franchised studios may provide a rudimentary experience, with me, Carrie, you’re in the hands of a certified Ki-Hara instructor with over 16 years of dedicated training, ensuring that each stretch session is meticulously tailored for maximum efficacy.

Our one-on-one sessions aren’t just routines; they are crafted experiences. We utilize resistance in tandem with precise movements to achieve results that conventional methods simply can’t match. This focused approach corrects imbalances, augments flexibility, and boosts muscle strength and balance.

If you have questions or need clarity, I encourage an in-person consultation, although I’m just a call away if that’s more convenient. Click the link to schedule your first session or free phone consultation. Stretching is more than just a practice; when done right, it’s transformational.

Online Courses

Transform your stretching practice with my online courses on, designed to help you achieve specific goals and take your wellness journey to the next level. Each course offers step-by-step videos and personalized guidance from me, teaching you the Ki-Hara Method of Resistance Stretching at your own pace. Whether you're looking to improve your balance, flexibility, or overall well-being, I offer a range of courses to meet your needs. Plus, you'll receive ongoing support from me and access to a private community for motivation.

Start with Stretch Chi 101, my most popular course, and discover a whole new world of stretching. In just one week, you'll learn valuable techniques and exercises that will enhance your practice and improve your life. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to try it for free! Subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on social media to stay updated on new courses. You can receive your free week of Stretch Chi 101 today!

Prices vary depending on the courses, but the value of what you'll gain from these courses is priceless. Sign up today and start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced you.


"Only by feeling in control can we feel safe, and only by feeling safe can we feel connected to others. When our bodies know that we are safe, they turn off the stress responses, and we can again experience the natural flow of self-regulation, from attunement and attachment to curiosity and exploration, and to learning and growth."

— Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score